90 Day SSS Plan

So this morning I wanted to talk some more about the 90 Day SSS Plan, as I feel in my last post I only just touched upon it.

The plan is divided into three ‘units’ as such. 30 days on each. The first cycle is all around shifting the fat and weight, (didnt really notice much different for me after cycle one), cycle 2 is all about building muscle. In cycle 2 I saw the most changes in my body. Finally cycle 3 is about sustaining, I’m currently on this cycle as we speak.

The first cycle was tough in some ways. The fitness was hard work and I remember only being able to do around 3 burpees and about 5 seconds of mountain climbers, fast forward to now I can manage 10 in 30 seconds!! YAY!!

When I started cycle one I immediately thought that I would loose the weight really quickly due to the fact I wasn’t having many carbs….. It wasn’t the case, I felt very heavy and I felt like I didn’t really see changes in my body. However, after my 30 days I sent in my progression photos:

In myself I didn’t think I looked any different, looking at these I was! Look at the size of my bum!!!!! This was hugely encouraging!!

Cycle 2 started and this was a combination of HIIT workouts and weights along with lots more carbs. Initially I was worried about the carbs as in cycle one I hadn’t really eaten any only after I trained. This cycle was different, the workouts were much longer and it took some adjusting. I felt I got the most out of this cycle despite having to eat carbs throughout the cycle. Due to having a busy August I decided to extend this cycle as I had my birthday and a few other treat days. I carried on until early September before submitting my results:

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After cycle two ended, I received cycle three, however I was just leaving to embark on a 3 week holiday around Asia. I took the decision to park cycle three until I returned. I was determined to stay in shape whilst I was travelling around Asia as I didn’t want to ruin the hard work I had already put in over the past 60 odd days.

Whilst in Asia I trained doing HIIT sessions as much as I could. 14 days out of 18 days I trained. I loved training whilst on holiday, I never felt guilty about having that little naughty ice-cream or cake! I came back and I’d lost 2kg. Previously I would have returned from holiday and put on those 2kg! I was chuffed as I lost another inch off my waist too!

It was hard work training in a different climate but I was so lucky that the training spots we chose were beautiful, it made it hard coming back to train in our conservatory!

I’m currently on cycle 3 and I’ve lost slight motivation. I keep finding excuses for not training. Looking at this pictures above it has spurred me on to get good results.

My goal is to keep going keep eating healthy. I want to get a little more toned around my stomach but that’s something I’ve got to work on.

I will update you all once I have graduated the 90 day SSS Plan and see what my next steps are from there!! Stay tuned.

The photo below is when I returned from holiday at the beginning of October!










6 thoughts on “90 Day SSS Plan

  1. I can’t wait to start my journey with the body coach! Its good reading blogs and seeing the progression pictures ☺️


  2. Im starting on Monday with my husband. I haven’t purchased the individual plan but an using the principles fron the book and completing hiit five times s week….im really excited

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! Good luck it’s such a good plan! If you need any tips don’t hesitate to get in touch and you can find loads of info on my Instagram if you’re not already following @healthier_leila 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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